Monday, July 28, 2008
明明就跟着你们 滴Sあ 给的 format 做,
Congratulations Mr Jeff !!!
well, actualy is to meet up with my friend
to congrat him, celebrate with him
coz his friend's movie found a distributor already
and he is involve in composing the soundtract
in short, he very happy lar and is a good start for him..hahaha
we love japanese food, and there we go..

still got other, but lazy to take photo already, eat while it is fresh and before is eaten by someone....hahaha
total rm 54 for 2 people.
and the most important is..
finaly get to spend the rm100 MJ voucher
it is going to expired on 31 july 2008
and i get this voucer in the begining of the year..
can see that how long i didn't get to go shopping!!!
how i spend it??
at first i don't know what to buy..
formal wear? -since is not important..
shoes? - don't have any that i like
bag? -all so "old"
cosmetic? - i use MAC, and MJ don't have MAC!!!
skin care product? - not so worth to buy with the voucher
perfume? - erm... not that important..
clothes? - lazy to find
watch? - o yea.. i don't have watch!!!
straigh fall in love with this watch.
i miss out the previous collection
this time i won't let it go easily
somemore i got voucher ler..
it come in 3 colors - purple, orange and white
i like the orange and purple..
Orange - young, energetic, fun
Purple - class, secret
end up choose the orange..hehe...
Saturday, July 26, 2008
弹不到的, 就一直重复那一段
Friday, July 25, 2008
changed banner
that photo was taken at a restaurant named " Banquet" at bangsar village II,
restaurant of my mum's friend.
Now, i have changed it into :
This is the picture of M&M's Chocolate!!!
To prove that how much i love m&m's =p
it is so colorfull,
it alwasy make my day better.
Whenever you are sad,
Whenever you are moody,
Whenever you are stress,
Whenever you are angry,
Whenever and whatever...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I "tag" you you you and you....hehe..
Well this type of blogging game actualy already exist lar..
saw it before in other's blog..
now my turn to start it..
the topic is : "Smile=Fake???"
悲伤的人总是带着微笑的面具... (by tze ming, tag jing yi)
The game instuctions:
Anyone who are tag by someone will have to post a comment on this topic.
For example: i tag Diana and Tze Kit, then they have to post a comment to this post according to the topic. Such as: "Happy smiling people are equals to wearing mask" .
and..of coz..after u tag that person, u have to let he/she know, so that he/she will reply. If not the game will hang there.... ^^
(you may use msn, verbal, non verbal conversation, or any tools to tell he/she about this)
you may tag more than 1 person at a time and
you may also reply more than once.
If you are not tag by anyone, and you want to join voluntary,
of coz is WELCOME!!!
just that after u post, u remember to tag someone else...^^
It can be any thing, chinese, english, malay, long or short, as long as is related to this topic. ^^
After that, i will copy from the comment box and paste it here.
How To Participate:
click the comment link in the bottom of this post,
then type in your message in the comment box,
example: happy smiling people equals wearing mask. tag XXX.
then ,
for those who have blogger account, you may just sign in and sumit.
But if you don't have a blogger account, just click on the "name option" then key in your name in the box provided, key in your other blog url in the url box if you have, (if don't have just leave it) and click sumit.
so let's see how's the feedback later..
see how far can this topic go till
see how's everyone creativity...
Have Fun!!!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
First of all, very sorry that i didn't attend your party last night.
Secondly, i would like to say...
Happy Birthday!!!!!! (font :webdings)
Selamat Hari Jadi
たんじょうび おめでと ございます
tanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu
bon anniversaire (french)
gelukkige verjaardag (dutch)
alles Gute zum Geburtstag (german)
buon compleanno (italian)
축 생일 (korean)
feliz aniversario (portuguese)
feliz cumpleaños (spanish)
last but not least....
(wonder will the birthday girl see this or not...???)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
i get to go Mid Valley!!! (wink)
it has been long i didn't go for shopping
Mega Sales wei...
of cause cannot let go this opportunity!!!
the purpose we go Mid Valley is actualy
to take some photos of the outlet we doing for our assignment..
then we turn up
30 minutes to suvey and take photo on that outlet
2 hours to SHOP!!!
due to limited of time, we went to Romp, i三an, and Labels Only.
Bought my formal pants.. finaly..
and 2 tops.
i love this t-shirt, "shama kids" from 女人我最大, it got 2 colors, yellow or this.
end up didn't buy it.. maybe next time i go only buy..
and this also.. i don't have this kind of green, but end up didn't buy this also..
i bough the white color..haha.. cause this green make me fat..blek ^_*
There are still many outlet i hv't go in!!!
Esprit! Zara!
Zara got stock clearance ler..
and rm 100 metrojaya voucher.
hv't spend it..
going expired already...
total spending for this shopping,
rm 112 only.. bought 3 item..
not bad ler..
last time rm 112 only can bough 2 item..
don't 被吓到
is four people's thing...
Gathering at lecture's office
Friday, July 11, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Wait for me!!! Great Wall of China...
Saw this news yesterday from 8News,
make me curious on it,
and i went online and search more info.
Most of the great wall of china is not as it appears on the television, and postcards!
Instead, most of the wall is in terrible state of repair.
30% of the great wall is in ruins, 20% is in reasonable condition
The remaining 50 % has already disappeared!!!!!!
Where the stone gone?
Steal by the locals? blow by wind?
From the interview with the locals there,
they said that, they rather take those stone to build houses..
Besides, there are some construction nearby the great wall
that's why...
From 1 August, tourists will be restricted to areas of the wall that are restored and officially designated as tourist sites.
Those who stray off the beaten track could face fines.
Great Wall of China..
please wait for me..
i hv't been to chiana..
i hn't see you with my own eye..
i hv't do massage for you (walk on it)...
i hv't snap photo with you..
i hv't touch you...
i hv't talk to you...
National Geography : click here
BBC news : click here
Things never wait for you
Times never wait for you
Understand yourself
Be more aggressive
Be more self improvement
Be more self enhancement
Lived as there will be no one will help you
Because no one will be with you forever
learn to be independent
learn to grap opportunity